Equity University
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What is Equity University?
Equity University is a virtual hub for providing curriculum, resources, and courses designed to support Illinois Community College administrators and faculty in ensuring education and employment opportunities are equitable, accessible, and inclusive for all students.
What will I find at Equity University?
Training on Instructional Practices for Postsecondary Success (TIPPS) is a series of professional learning modules designed for postsecondary instructors in career and technical education. The modules provide an overview of evidence-based practices that strengthen the teaching and learning process. The ultimate goal of TIPPS is to lead to a better-prepared workforce. Through TIPPS, each instructor can work through the learning modules and construct a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework for their teaching by infusing pedological strategies with diverse learners in mind.
Educators can engage in TIPPS in various ways: Individually at their own pace, collaboratively with a group of peers, and/or by participating in facilitated professional learning sessions. TIPPS content is divided into four 1.5 hour sessions. Sessions are interactive and provide practical activities for applying new knowledge in ways specific to participants’ contexts.
TIPPS spans topics related to learning conditions, curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and focuses on the following learning objectives:
Create optimal conditions for learning in an equitable and effective learning environment.
Design an accessible curriculum that embraces learner variability.
Apply instructional practices that are both rigorous and relevant to increase student engagement
Use a balanced assessment and feedback system to inform teaching and learning.